This is a super boxed fragment from the Sikhote Alin fall in Siberia - 1947 - One of the largest and most spectacular of modern times.
Weighs 4.65 grams - and measures 1.5cm across at its widest point
There is VERY little Sikhote Alin material left on the market - and what there is has shot up in price.
This is the first material I have had to offer for a LONG time, and it took a long time to source at the right price.
It will not hang around for long I am sure, so if you want one dont dawdle....
You can easily imagine the huge forces that accompanied the meteorites entrance into Earths atmosphere on a freezing day in Siberia in 1947
I am Ian Barrett - member of BIMS - British and Irish Meteorite Society.
I fully guarantee the authenticity of every meteorite I sell.
You will also receive a signed certificate of authenticity and an exclusive free gift , an illustrated A4 meteorite information sheet.
This was written by Mark Ford - Chairman of the BIMS (British And Irish Meteorite Society) and gives a useful overview of meteorites.
It will offer no revelations to a dedicated meteorite buff, but will be indispensable for a complete novice.
The Sikhote-Alin meteorite fell during daylight at 10:38 a.m. local time on February 12, 1947. Witnesses reported a fireball that was brighter than the sun. It came from out of the north -- about 15 degrees east of north and descended at an angle of 41 degrees. It left a trail of smoke and dust that was 20 miles long and lingered for several hours. Light and sound of the fall were observed for two hundred miles around the point of impact.
The speed of entry was estimated to be 14.5 kilometers per second. This is about 8.7 miles per second or 31,000 miles per hour. As the meteorite entered the atmosphere some of it began to break apart. The group of fragments fell together.
When the descending group of meteorites reached an altitude of about 3.5 miles, the largest mass apparently broke up in a violent explosion. This was a very low altitude for such an event -- about half the altitude at which passenger jets fly.
The fragments scattered over an elliptical area of about a half a square mile. The largest fragments made small craters and pits. One of these measured 85 feet across and 20 feet deep. The larger craters are located at the far end of the strewn field. Sikhote-Alin is one of the most spectacular falls of recorded history and one of a very small number of recent iron meteorite falls.